Vision (Who we are)
We are apprentices of Jesus on a journey of transformation
Mission (What we do)
We create a place for Encounter, Transformation, and Impact
We promote apprenticeship to Jesus by cultivating a place for encounter and transformation that will overflow into impact both locally and globally.
1. Encounter: We create spaces and opportunities for people to encounter the living God
2. Transformation: We create an environment and provide resources for spiritual transformation and maturity of the whole person
3. Impact: We empower and equip members for creative ministries and missions both locally and globally
Core Values (What Is Important For Us)

+ Grace, love, acceptance wherever on the journey
- Judgmental, legalism, institutional

+ Character, balance, depth, heart
- Pretense, pedestalling outward appearance/gifting

+ Truth, obedience, surrender
- Lukewarm, consumerism, passive, comfort, nominalism

+ Ethnic, cultural, socio-economic, gifts, empowering
- Uniformity, mono culture/ethnic, cliques

+ Journey, story, people
- Shallow, task/result/number orientation

Holy Spirit
+ Dependence, prayer, revival
- Complacency, self-reliance, stagnation

+ Relational, being with, listening
- Individualism, pride, self-centeredness
+ Giving, interceding, care for others/world needs, sacrificial, incarnational
- Selfishness, poor stewardship, narrow perspective
God Dream
To become a model church for authentic discipleship and spiritual formation that would be transplanted and replicated all across the world